Monday 30 August 2010

US Economical Collapse & Australia

Australia-US trade and investment

The United States is Australia's fifth largest merchandise export market and our most important market for services.  It is Australia's largest import source for services and second largest import source for merchandise.  The United States is the largest investor in Australia.  Australia is the ninth largest provider of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the United States.  The United States is one of the top five source countries for visitors to Australia in terms of numbers and expenditure.

You think it wont affect you ??  

Monday 31 May 2010

Israel attacks flotilla

Internet is buzzing after Israel military stop humanitarian aid ships reaching Gaza . At least 10 pro-Palestinian activists were killed and dozens were wounded aboard an aid flotilla bound for the Gaza Strip when Israeli navy boarded in international waters , Google Trend high flotilla , menyembunyikan , Gaza , israil

Saturday 10 April 2010

Trade Forex for Free

Just joined this new Forex site , will see how it goes. Check it out , its free :)
From the site

...Its unbelieveable but its just easy to explain.
...An investor is searching a huge group of people how help him to invest more money.
...You cannot invest your own money, all the money will be gifted to you by the investor.
...These concept is absolutely free of charge. will be earn up to 3500 US$ monthly and dont have to do anything for it.
...this is not a joke or a dream, its just a win win situation.

Thursday 8 April 2010

Wikileaks releases Baghdad video

 Wikileaks is known for releasing damming information and has its fair share of attacks about its ethics

WikiLeaks recently released a classified US military video depicting the indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen people in a suburb of Baghdad , including a couple Reuters reporters . Australian media showed part of the footage , where as the full footage needs to be seen to make any fair judgment. Debate is ragging amongst blogger's and in chat rooms and forums about the actions of the military , mistakes in war often happen , but in my opinion the attitude of those involved seems to be reckless and I feel the training has let these soldiers down, they are doing a hard job and still deserve respect.

Wednesday 7 April 2010

New lizard species found in Philippines

New lizard species found in Philippines

Biologists on Wednesday reported the discovery of a spectacular species of giant lizard, a reptile as long as a full-grown man is tall, and endowed with a double penis.
The secretive but brightly-coloured beast, a monitor lizard, is a close cousin of the Komodo Dragon of Indonesia.
But unlike the fearsome dragon, it is not a carnivore, nor does it feast on rotting meat. Instead, it is entirely peaceable and tucks into fruit.

More on this here

New lizard species found in Philippines

Tuesday 30 March 2010

Provost Marshals to Serve Notice To Governors of All 50 States? Restore America HOAX ?

Is this a hoax

"Provost Marshals to Serve Notice To Governors of All 50 States? Restore America "

After the resent militia arrests in the USA , much has been posted on the internet . Is it fear mongering ? is it a ploy to flush out radical groups ? Obama visits Afghanistan , Moscow has a terror attack , Washington has Terror drills and the police and fire brigade communications go down at the same time.

Over 10 pages of posts at ATS ,



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