Tuesday 9 October 2007

Ed Dale's Dominiche

How I use Junk email
Sometimes when you get a Idea its a single thing or concept,other times the Idea seems to expand as your brain processes it and the Idea becomes an Entity of its own .This Entity needs to be recorded so it can be repeated at a later date.

Spam , we all hate it and I was thinking "How can I use this rubbish" then I had this Idea.Why not use the contents of the spam to get traffic for my website aussiebattler.com. Not all spam can be used , but with the process I am about to explain there will be a considerable amount that can be utilized for your own website traffic.

At this point I should clarify the fact that the email I opened was not spam
, but rather what I describe as Junk mail . I know the source but rarely read
the contents. Those of you who subscribe to safelist and the like will
understand where I am coming from.

Today I opened some Junk Email and something got my attention and I clicked the link ( DANGEROUS if you are not familiar with the source of the email) and there was a article about the launch of a new program with a internet Guru's name and a new word which I had never seen . I expect that this new word will instantly be submitted by these Gurus into the internet search engines as part of their advertising process.

So how do I use this information ?
First thing I did was place the new word up the front of the keywords meta tag of my site ( meta content="my site keywords and new word")
Next thing I did was created a new "lens" at SQUIDOO which needed content to be relevant. Copy & Paste or invent something , adding your advertising links on the page somewhere visible and include the (new word ) a few times.Then I stopped as the Entity now demanded that it be recorded.

1 time $25 outlay ,and get a income for life

The object of this exercise is to get traffic to aussiebattler.com

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