Monday 17 January 2011

Red Pill or Blue Pill , Your Choice

Remember the white condensation trail that used to follow in the wake of a jet? The trails we witness today are no longer dependant on atmospheric conditions to form, as they contain chemicals that are patented to expand and become cloud cover. The latest politically correct term is “consistent jet contrails”, while “aerosol spraying” and “cloud seeding” also are being used.
There are many theories why we are subjected to aerial spraying, and many people firmly believe our governments would not allow innocent people to suffer. If we look back, history persistently proves us wrong. As far back as the early 1940’s, the UK government began aerial spraying of chemicals on their unaware and uninformed electorate. When the Porton Down, UK spokesperson was asked if such tests were still being carried out in 2002, she responded: “‘It is not our policy to discuss ongoing research”(1).

1 comment:

AUSSIEBATTLER said... EU set to charge international airlines for carbon emissions

The EU looks likely to impose a system of carbon trading on all passenger flights taking off or landing in member states

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